• 01. We are an ISO 45001:2018 & ISO 9001:2015 certified company.
  • 02.To set and maintain high standards of construction and installation safety with an annual review of the Safety Policy .
  • 03. To ensure that staff, customers and visitors are adequately informed of risks, and where .
  • 04. appropriate, receive instruction, training and supervision .
  • 05. To document and review risk assessments .
  • 06. To implement this policy through codes of practice, schedules, guidance notes and training .
  • 07. To implement this policy through codes of practice, schedules, guidance notes and training .
  • 08. To ensure the provision of a trained health and safety co-ordinator having adequate training to ensure that all sites conform to local and international standards .
  • 09.To ensure the provision of a trained health and safety co-ordinator having adequate training to ensure that all sites conform to local and international standards .